Oral Health Blog

Filling you in on fillings

Angle House Blog Filling you in on fillings ’Tis the season of treats – but, as always, the team at Oral Health are here to help protect your teeth. This month we’re talking fillings and how you...

All I want for Christmas is…

Angle House Blog All I want for Christmas is…   As many of us have reached peak stuff, useful presents are a winner this year. Why not check out our selection of gift ideas for a quirky spin on...

Looking after your teeth at Halloween

Angle House Blog Looking after your teeth at Halloween With scary season on the horizon, the temptation to overdose on the sweet stuff in life is strong. A party here, a spot of trick or treating...

Dental care during pregnancy

Angle House Blog Dental care during pregnancy If you’re reading this as you’re expecting a baby – congratulations! It’s an exciting time and your thoughts are no doubt preoccupied with giving...

Endodontics and Root Canal Treatment

Angle House Blog Endodontics and Root Canal Treatment   What is endodontics and root canal treatment? Endodontics is a special branch of dentistry that focuses on the dental pulp inside of our...

Taking care of your teeth on holiday

Angle House Blog Taking care of your teeth on holiday While you may be planning a break this summer, you can’t take a holiday from a good oral health routine. Whether you’re hitting the beach or...

Get Wise on Wisdom Teeth

Angle House Blog Get Wise on Wisdom Teeth We’re returning this month with the lowdown on wisdom teeth. A wisdom tooth is a third molar and is the furthest back of the three. The age they grow is...

How Stress Impacts Your Dental Health

Angle House Blog How Stress Impacts Your Dental Health Most of us will have to navigate stressful times at some point, and we all react to this differently. Whether anxiety makes you reach for the ice...

Meet our Oral Surgeon

Angle House Blog Meet our Oral Surgeon Happy Easter, readers. We’re back this month with more insights into the dental world and an interview with our Oral Surgery Specialist, Christian Lalli at Angle...

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